Review published on: August 29 2017 – Last update: 29 August 2017

Today we’re looking at another DVD site, this one called Videos Z. As always, I’ll dive deep into the details for you and find the answer as to whether this site is worth your hard-earned money, but with a library like this one has (which I’ll address in detail further into the review) I’ll let you know early that this one’s almost certainly a good site in the first place.
Content Exclusivity |
semi-exclusive |
# of Videos |
20028+ DVDs |
Video Resolution |
HD 1080p |
Average length |
120 min |
Photo Resolution |
no photos |
Pics per Set |
no photos |
# of Models |
15747+ |
Content Updates |
36+ weekly |
Download |
no limit |
Navigation |
Site design |
VideosZ Review
The style of VideosZ
Style, with some of these sites, is an interesting puzzle. The ‘box’ with which I’d define the style of a particular site is sometimes, like with Videos Z for example, difficult to nail down. This is because they pull their content from many different sources, so DVD sites are commonly found with this puzzle of a style identity. What I can say for sure is that this is a hardcore site, focused on having the largest online adult movie collection. I can also let you know that in that quest to be the largest, Videos Z has abandoned galleries entirely – which should surprise precisely 0 of you. There are a few bonuses for access, but they don’t activate right away for the most part, requiring you to prove loyalty by waiting for 3 months. It’s an odd proposition, but it does mean if you enjoy Videos Z’s content, in time you’ll also have access to Club Jenna, Hustler, and Vivid collections, further expanding the effective library accessed by your membership. You also get access to from the get-go.
There’s a lot to talk about in terms of usability and features, too. Updates here are daily, and usually plural – Videos Z is very much focused on the largest library possible, and they’ve certainly achieved and continue to achieve that, with over 105,000 videos in their collection. Many of these are HD, but many also display a lower resolution, unfortunately. There’s also no guarantee whatsoever on exclusivity, as most is outright nonexclusive. Here we have a significant pagination problem, as well. On the other hand, the user interface and feature-set is great, well-designed and very, very useful. Overall, Videos Z isn’t perfect, but they are more than good, I think.
- eMail on site
VideosZ Network sites
VideosZ is currently composed by 21 network-sites, each focusing on a specific niche.
My opinion
What I like
- Library consists of well over 100,000 individual videos. You’re not going to watch them all, and that’s quite alright.
- Downloading allowed and has no limits that we found any evidence of.
- Loyalty bonus means that the library effectively grows after a full 3 months of membership, with content from a handful of places.
- Daily updates which are often plural means that this site is consistently better, making a better offer for your money with every single day that passes.
- Lots of properly HD content is on offer here.
What I dislike
- Library is mostly nonexclusive, so you will see content here in other places.
- Sadly insufficient pagination makes yet another appearance here, but a more significant one than other places, because of the library size.
- A large amount of the content, including even new updates, is simply not in HD (because it’s from DVDs).
Final Rating
Single features rating
Overall rating
There are clearly some problems with Videos Z, but on the other hand, it's very difficult to argue with that library. Pagination could use improvement, but exclusivity is probably a lost cause, as is HD. At the end of the day, though, they earn not only a full recommendation from me, but a score of 85%. I think that's precisely fair here.